MCQ on Protein Metabolism with Answers

Multiple Choice Questions on Protein Metabolism

1. Which of the following statements is true about proteins?

A. Proteins are made up of amino acids.

B. Proteins are essential for the development of skin, teeth, and bones.

C. Protein is the only nutrient that can build, repair and maintain body tissues.

D. All of the above

Answer: D

2. After normal adults eat too much high-protein food, the following metabolic activities carried out by human cells are generally not significantly enhanced_________

A. Synthesize tissue proteins

B. Deamination

C. Synthetic carbohydrates and fats

D. Amino group converted to urea

Answer: A

3. Which of the following statements is true about proteins?

A. Proteins are polymers of glucose

B. Proteins are polymers of amino acids

C. Proteins are polymers of peptide bonds

D. Proteins are polymers of disulfide bridges

Answer: B

4. Transamination reaction in amino acid synthesis is catalyzed by enzyme_________

A. Nitric oxide synthase

B. Decarboxylase

C. Aminotransferase

D. Glutamate decarboxylase

Answer: A

5. Which of the following statements about protein metabolism is false________

A. Bacteriophages use bacterial enzymes to synthesize their own proteins

B. Green plants can synthesize their own proteins

C. tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA are all involved in protein synthesis

D. Pneumococcus uses ribosomes in human cells to synthesize its own proteins

Answer: D

6. Which of the following is not the function of proteins?

A. Helps in digesting food

B. Carries genetic information

C. Fights against the invading pathogens

D. Helps in transporting oxygen in the blood

Answer: B

7. Which statement is correct about protein synthesis in animals?

A. The synthesis of all proteins requires energy

B. The synthesized proteins are transported out of the cell

C. Synthesized proteins cannot enter the nucleus

D. Synthesized proteins are used for the renewal of Glucose

Answer: A

8. Which of the following statements about the structure of proteins is true?

A. The sequence of amino acids in a protein represents the secondary structure

B. The helices of proteins are always left-handed

C. Adult human hemoglobin consists of two subunits

D. Proteins are heteropolymers containing strings of amino acids.

Answer D

9. The statement about protein metabolism that is incorrect is__________

A. The main raw materials for building the body, when lacking, will lead to symptoms such as swelling of the body, decreased resistance, etc.

B. The main component of building brain cells, when lacking, will lead to underdevelopment of the brain of infants and young children, resulting in intellectual disability

C. The final metabolites of proteins are all inorganic substances

D. Protein can also provide energy for life activities

Answer: C

10. The statement about protein metabolism that is incorrect is__________

A. The main raw materials for building the body, when lacking, will lead to symptoms such as swelling of the body, decreased resistance, etc.

B. The main component of building brain cells, when lacking, will lead to underdevelopment of the brain of infants and young children, resulting in intellectual disability

C. The final metabolites of proteins are all inorganic substances

D. Protein can also provide energy for life activities

Answer: C

11. The correct statement about human protein metabolism is___________

A. Excessive intake of protein will increase the physiological burden on the liver and kidneys, and will also lead to obesity

B. As long as the amount of protein intake is sufficient, the body can meet the needs of protein synthesis

C. Both transamination and deamination will produce nitrogenous wastes

D. Adolescents have a strong metabolism, and the amount of nitrogen in the excretion is often more than the intake

Answer: A

12. Under normal circumstances, the proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids in the fresh weight of cells are: 7% to 10%, 1% to 1.5%, and 1% to 2%; each gram of protein, glycogen, and fat are released from oxidative decomposition. The energy is 17kJ, 17kJ, and 39kJ in turn. From this, it may be concluded that the three in terms of energy metabolism are________

A. Fat is the main source of energy

B. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy

C. Protein is the main source of energy

D. All three can be oxidized and decomposed to release energy, and they are all energy substances.

Answer: D

13. Which of the following is not true about secondary protein structure?

A. The hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure

B. The ability of peptide bonds to form intramolecular hydrogen bonds is important to secondary structure

C. The alpha helix, beta-pleated sheet, and beta turns are examples of protein secondary structure

D. The steric influence of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure

Answer: A

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