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Anatomy of flowering Plants NEET MCQ Questions

Anatomy of Flowering Plants NEET Questions and Answers 

The plant body is composed of organs like stems, roots, and leaves. These are distinct morphological structures, each having specific functions to perform. Every organ, in its turn, is a collection of tissue systems that carry out restricted functions. A tissue system is made up of several contiguous tissues. A tissue is a group of cells formed in response to a basic division of labor. The study of internal structures and organization of tissues in plant organs is known as Plant Anatomy.

Candidates who wish to prepare for the NEET Exam, as well as the NCERT board exam, can prepare better using our biology Chapter-wise MCQ Questions and answers. From here candidates can download the Anatomy of flowering plants NEET Questions in Pdf format. 

Anatomy of flowering plants MCQ will help aspirants to be familiar with an online examination. Along with that, due to the regular practice of Biology MCQ, candidates will get to know their strengths and weak topics in the Chapter Anatomy of flowering plants.

To qualify for the NEET Biology Exam, all candidates need to prepare in the right way. One of the best approaches to prepare for the exam is Practicing the ybstudy.com MCQ Questions on Biology. Here Anatomy of flowering plants NEET Questions and Answers are given below :

Anatomy of flowering plants MCQ

NEET MCQ Questions on the Anatomy of flowering plants

1. Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in__________
(a) Having Casparian strips
(b) Being imperforate
(c) Lacking nucleus
(d) Being lignified

Answer: B


2. Companion cells are closely associated with__________
(a) Guard cells
(b) Vessel elements
(c) Trichomes
(d) Sieve elements

Answer : D


3. Age of a tree can be estimated by___________

(a) Biomass

(b) Number of annual rings

(c) Diameter of its heartwood

(d) Its height and girth

Answer: B


4. Lenticels are involved in_________

(a) Photosynthesis

(b) Gaseous exchange

(c) Transpiration

(d) Food transport

Answer: B


5. Common bottle cork is the product of__________

(a) Xylem

(c) Phellogen

(b) Dermatogen

(d) Vascular cambium

Answer : 


6. The cork cambium, cork, and secondary cortex are collectively called_______

(a) Phellem

(b) Phellogen

(c) Phelloderm

(d) Periderm

Answer: D


7. Heart wood differs from sapwood in___________

(a) Being susceptible to pests and pathogens

(b) Presence of rays and fibers

(c) Absence of vessels and parenchyma

(d) Having dead and non-conducting elements

Answer : D


8. Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by_________

(a) Absence of secondary phloem

(b) Presence of cortex

(c) Position of protoxylem

(d) Absence of secondary xylem

Answer: C


9. Annular and spiral-thickened conducting elements generally develop in protoxylem when the root or stem is___________

(a) Differentiating

(b) Elongating

(c) Widening

(d) Maturing

Answer: B


10. For a cortical study of secondary growth in plants. which one of the following pairs is suitable________

(a) Wheat and maidenhair fern

(b) Sugarcane and sunflower

(c) Teak and pine

(d) Deodar and Fern

Answer: C

11. Stomata in grass leaf are_____________
(a) Rectangular
(b) Dumb-bell shaped
(c) Kidney shaped
(d) Barrel-shaped

Answer: B


12. Cortex is the region found between____________
(a) Epidermis and stele
(b) Pericycle and endodermis
(c) Endodermis and pith
(d) Endodermis and vascular bundles

Answer: A


13. Specialised epidermal cells surrounding the guard cells are called__________
(a) Complimentary cells
(b) Bulliform cells
(c) Lenticels
(d) Subsidiary cells

Answer : D


14. Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are considered closed because__________
(a) Xylem is surrounded all around by phloem
(b) A bundle sheath surrounds each bundle
(c) Cambium is absent
(d) There are no vessels with perforations

Answer: C


15. Closed vascular bundles lack________
(a) Pith
(b) Conjunctive tissue
(c) Cambium
(d) Ground tissue

Answer: C


16. Ground tissue includes___________
(a) All tissues internal to endodermis
(b) All tissues external to endodermis
(c) All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles
(d) Epidermis and cortex

Answer: C


17. In land plants, the guard cells differ from other epidermal cells in having___________
(a) Chloroplasts
(b) Cytoskeleton
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: A


18. Some vascular bundles are described as open because these__________
(a) Possess conjunctive tissue between the xylem and phloem
(b) Are not surrounded by pericycle
(c) Are surrounded by pericycle but no endodermis
(d) Are capable of producing secondary xylem and phloem

Answer : D


19. The chief water-conducting elements of the xylem in gymnosperms are____________
(a) Tracheids
(b) Fibres
(c) Vessels
(d) Transfusion tissue

Answer: A


20. Which one of the following is not a lateral meristem__________
(a) Intercalary meristem
(b) Intrafascicular cambium
(c) Interfascicular cambium
(d) Phellogen

Answer: A


21. Casparian strips occur in________
(a) Cortex
() Epidermis
(b) Pericycle
(d) Endodermis

Answer: D


22. A major characteristic of the monocot root is the presence of_________
(a) Cambium sandwiched between phloem and xylem along the radius
(b) Open vascular bundles
(c) Scattered vascular bundles
(d) Vasculature without cambium

Answer : D


23. As compared to a dicot root, a monocot root has_______
(a) More abundant secondary xylem
(b) Many xylem bundles
(c) Inconspicuous annual rings
(d) Relatively thicker periderm

Answer: B


24. The water containing cavities in vascular bundles occur in________
(a) Sunflower
(b) Pinus
(c) Maize
(d) Cycas

Answer: C


25. Thin-walled passage cells occur in___________
(a) Phloem elements as entry points
(b) Testa for the emergence of the embryonal axis
(c) Central area of style for passage of pollen tube
(d) Endodermis of root for quick transport of water from cortex to pericycle

Answer: D


26. Transport of food material in higher plants________
(a) Transfusion tissue
(b) Sieve elements
(c) Companion cells
(d) Tracheids

Answer: B


27. Secondary xylem and phloem em in dicot stem is produced by_________
(a) Phellogen
(b) Apical meristems
(c) Vascular cambium
(d) Axillary meristems

Answer: C


28. Plants having little or no secondary growth are__________
(a) Conifers
(b) Deciduous angiosperms
(c) Grasses
(d) Cycads

Answer: C


29. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to_________
(a) Phelloderm
(b) Secondary xylem
(c) Primary phloem
(d) Periderm

Answer: B


30. Which of the following is made up of dead cells_______
(a) Xylem parenchyma
(b) Collenchyma
(c) Phellem
(d) Phloem

Answer: C


31. Identify the wrong statement in the context of heartwood_________
(a) Organic compounds are deposited in it
(b) It is highly durable
(c) It conducts water and minerals efficiently
(d) It comprises dead elements with highly lignified walls

Answer: C


32. The balloon-shaped structures called tyloses________
(a) Are linked to the ascent of sap through xylem vessels
(b) Originate in the lumen of vessels
(c) Characterises the sapwood
(d) Are extensions of xylem parenchyma cells into vessels

Answer: C


33. You are given a fairly old piece of dicot stem and dicot root. Which of the following anatomical Structure will you use to distinguish between the two_______
(a) Secondary xylem
(b) Protoxylem
(c) Secondary phloem
(d) Cortical cells

Answer: B


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