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Biology MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 2 (Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ)

Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ: Reproduction in lower and higher Animals is the scoring chapter in the board exam as well as the medical entrance examination. Here we have collected some important MCQ on reproduction in lower and higher Animals.

This reproduction in lower and higher Animals MCQ with Answers PDF for all Concepts as per the latest syllabus of boards. Practice more on a regular basis with this Class 12 reproduction in lower and higher Animals MCQ NEET and improve your subject knowledge & problem-solving skills along with time management.

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Reproduction in lower and higher Animals MCQ with Answers

Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ with Answers PDF

Reproduction is a vital process among living organisms, ensuring the continuation of their species. It involves the creation of offspring similar to the parent organism. Animals utilize both asexual and sexual methods for reproduction.

Asexual reproduction occurs through methods like budding and fission. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves the fusion of gametes, or sex cells, from two different individuals of opposite sexes. This fusion results in the formation of a zygote, which undergoes repeated cell divisions to develop into a multicellular embryo.

Bisexual animals possess both male and female gonads within the same individual, while unisexual animals are divided into two sexes. Males carry only testes, whereas females have ovaries exclusively.

Just as feeding is essential for the survival of any organism, reproduction is crucial for the survival of a species. In humans, reproduction occurs through sexual means, involving the fusion of gametes. Humans are dioecious organisms, meaning there are separate male and female individuals, exhibiting sexual dimorphism. Below are the Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ.

Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ

1. The number of nuclei present in a zygote is________
a. two 
b. one 
c. four   
d. eight
Answer: a 
Ovum (female gamete) and sperm (male gamete) are both haploid (n) entities. Zygote is formed by fertization. i.e. fusion of male and female gametes. Thus, in zygote male and female gametes combine together to form diploid (2n) zygote. Ovum(n) + Sperm(n) => Zygote (2n)

Read: Chapter 1: Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants

2. Which of these is the male reproductive organ in human?
a. sperm
b. seminal fluid
c. testes
d. ovary
Answer: c.
 The main male sex organs are the penis and the testicles (testes) which produce semen and sperm, which, as part of sexual intercourse, fertilize an ovum in the female’s body; the fertilized ovum (zygote) develops into a fetus, which is later born as an infant.

Read: Chapter 3: Inheritance and Variation

3. Attachment of embryo to the wall of the uterus is known as_____________
a. fertilization
b. gestation
c. cleavage
d. implantation
Answer: d
 In humans, implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. At this stage of prenatal development, the conceptus is called a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion that the embryo receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.

Read: Chapter 4: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

4. Rupturing of follicles and discharge of ova is known as___________
a. capacitation
b. gestation
c. ovulation
d. copulation
Answer: c
 The rupturing of Graafian follicles to release the secondary oocyte (ovum) from the ovary is called ovulation. In other words, ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

Read: Chapter 5: Origin and Evolution of Life

5. In human female, the fertilized egg gets implanted in uterus____________
a. After about 7 days of fertilization
b. After about 30 days of fertilization
c. After about two months of fertilization
d. After about 3 weeks of fertilization.
Answer: a 
 The fertilised egg or zygote undergoes several divisions to form the embryo. It moves into the uterus within a period of 4-5 days. In the uterus, the embryo implants itself into the endometrial lining 7-8 days after fertilisation. After implantation, it secretes a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) which helps maintain the pregnancy.  Thus, the correct answer is option a.

6. Test tube baby technique is called_________
a. In vivo fertilization
b. In situ fertilization
c. In vitro fertilization
d. Artificial insemination
Answer: c) In vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique where fertilization occurs outside the body, typically in a laboratory setting. It involves the collection of eggs and sperm, fertilization in a petri dish, and then the transfer of the resulting embryo(s) into the uterus. This technique is commonly known as a “test tube baby” procedure.

7. The given figure shows a human sperm. Various parts of it are labelled as A, B, C, and D. Which labelled part represents acrosome?

reproduction in lower and higher animals mcq with answers

Answer: d 

A denotes for Acrosome
B denotes for Nucleus
C  denotes for centriole
D denotes for Mitochondria

8. Presence of beard in boys is a____________
a. primary sex organ
b. secondary sexual character
c. secondary sex organ
d. primary sexual character.
Answer: b) secondary sexual character
Secondary sexual characteristics are physical features that develop during puberty under the influence of sex hormones but are not directly involved in reproduction. The presence of a beard in boys is a secondary sexual characteristic, as it develops during puberty due to increased levels of testosterone.

25+ Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals MCQ with Answers

The chapter on Reproduction in lower and higher Animals MCQ holds significant weightage in both board exams and medical entrance examinations. To aid your preparation, we’ve gathered essential reproduction in lower and higher animals MCQ with answers on this topic. These reproduction in lower and higher animals MCQ with answers cover all concepts according to the latest syllabus of boards.

Regular practice with this reproduction in lower and higher animals m neet NEET objective questions is crucial for enhancing your subject knowledge, refining problem-solving abilities, and improving time management skills. By engaging with these MCQ on reproduction in lower and higher animals, you’ll feel more confident in tackling exam questions and boost your scores.

1. Which of the following layers in an antral follicle is acellular?
(a) Granulomas
(b) Theca interna
(c) Stroma
(d) Zona pellucida
Answer: c) Stroma
The stroma of the antral follicle is acellular. It is a supportive tissue containing blood vessels, nerves, and fibroblasts.

2.. What is the correct sequence of sperm formation?
(a) Spermatogonia, spermatozoa, spermatocyte, Spermatid
(b) Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoa
(c) Spermatid, spermatocyte,
spermatozoa, spermatogonia,
(d) Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatozoa, spermatid
Answer: b) Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoa
Sperm formation begins with spermatogonia, which undergo mitosis to form primary spermatocytes, then meiosis to form spermatids, and finally spermiogenesis to form spermatozoa.

3. The shared terminal duct of the reproductive and urinary system in the human male is__________
(a) Ureter
(b) Urethra
(c) Vas deferens
(d) Vasa efferentia
Answer: b) Urethra
The urethra serves as the shared terminal duct of the reproductive and urinary systems in human males, carrying both urine and semen.

4. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body is________
(a) Pineal gland
(b) Corpus luteum
(c) Corpus cardiacum
(d) Corpus allatum
Answer: b) Corpus luteum
The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland formed from the remnants of the ovarian follicle after ovulation. It secretes progesterone to support pregnancy.

5. Capacitation occurs in________
(a) Rete testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Vas deferens
(d) Female reproductive tract
Answer: d) Female reproductive tract
Capacitation, the process by which sperm become capable of fertilizing an egg, occurs in the female reproductive tract, specifically in the uterus and fallopian tubes.

6. Several hormones like hCG, hPL, oestrogen,cprogesterone are produced by____________
(a) Ovary
(b) Placenta
(c) Fallopian tube
(d) Pituitary
Answer: b) Placenta
Hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogen, and progesterone are produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

7. Fertilization in humans is practically feasible only with__________
(a) The Ovum and sperms are transporte
Simultaneously to ampullary – isthmic junction  of the fallopian tube
(b) The ovum and sperms are transported Smultaneously to ampullary – isthimic junction of the cervix.
(c) The sperms are transported into cervix within 48 hours of release to ovum in uterus.
(d) The sperms are transported into vagina just after the release of ovum in fallopian tube.
Answer: a) The ovum and sperms are transported simultaneously to ampullary-isthmic junction of the fallopian tube
Successful fertilization in humans typically occurs when both the ovum and sperm are transported simultaneously to the ampullary-isthmic junction of the fallopian tube.

8. Which of these is not an important componernt or initiation of parturition in humans?
(a) Increase in estrogen and progesterone ratio
(b) Synthesis of prostaglandins
(c) Release of oxytocin
(d) Release of Prolactin
Answer: d) Release of Prolactin
Prolactin is not directly involved in the initiation of parturition (childbirth). Important factors include the increase in estrogen and progesterone ratio, synthesis of prostaglandins, and release of oxytocin.

9. Changes in GnRH pulse frequency in females is controlled by circulating levels of________
(a) Estrogen and inhibin
(b) Progesterone only
(c) Progesterone and inhibin
(d) Estrogen and progesterone.
Answer: d) Estrogen and progesterone.
GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone) pulse frequency in females is influenced by the levels of estrogen and progesterone, which feedback to regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

10. Which of the following events is not associated with ovulation in human female?
(a) Decrease in oestradiol
(b) Full development of Graafian follicle
(c) Release of secondary oocyte
(d) LH surge
Answer: a) Decrease in oestradiol
Ovulation in human females is associated with a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), release of a secondary oocyte, and a decrease in progesterone after ovulation. There is no decrease in estradiol during ovulation.

11. Select the correct option describing gonadotropin activity in a normal pregnant female_________
(a) High level of FSH and LH stimulates the thickening of endometrium.
(b) High level of FSH and LH facilitate implantation of the embryo
(c) High level of hCG stimulates the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone
(d) High level of hCG stimulates the thickening of endometrium
Answer: c) High level of hCG stimulates the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone by the corpus luteum, supporting the maintenance of pregnancy.

12. The main function of mammalian corpus luteum is to produce________
(a) Estrogen only
(b) Progesterone
(c) Human chorionic gonadotropin
(d) Relaxin only
Answer: b) Progesterone
The primary function of the corpus luteum is to produce progesterone, which is necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy.

13. Menstrual flow occurs due to lack of________
(a) Oxytocin
(b) Progesterone
(c) Vasopressin
(d) FSH
Answer: b) Progesterone
Menstrual flow occurs due to the decrease in progesterone levels, leading to the shedding of the uterine lining during menstruation.

14. Which one of the following is not the function of placenta?
(a) Facilitates removal of carbon dioxide and waste material from embryo
(b) Secretes oxytocin during parturition
(c) Facilitates supply of oxygen and nutrients to embryo
(d) All
Answer: b) Secretes oxytocin during parturition
The placenta facilitates the exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between the mother and fetus, and it produces hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. However, it does not secrete oxytocin during parturition; oxytocin is primarily produced by the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary gland.

15. Which of the following is a hormone releasing intra uterine device________
(a) Multiload 375
(b) Cervical cap
(c) LNG 20
(d) Vault
Answer: c) LNG 20
LNG 20 (Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system) is a hormone-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) that releases levonorgestrel, a progestin hormone, to prevent pregnancy.

16. Tubectomy is a method of sterilization in which__________
(a) Small part of vas deferens is removed or tied up
(b) Uterus is removed surgically
(c) Small part of the fallopian tube is removed and tied up
(d) Ovaries are removed surgically
Answer: c) Small part of the fallopian tube is removed and tied up
Tubectomy is a surgical method of female sterilization where a small part of the fallopian tube is removed and tied off to prevent the passage of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

17. One of the legal methods of birth control is________
(a) By having coitus at the time of the day break
(b) By a premature ejaculation during coitus
(c) Abortion by taking an appropriate medicine
(d) By abstaining from coitus from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle
Answer: d) By abstaining from coitus from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle
Abstaining from coitus during the fertile period (usually from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle) is a natural method of birth control and is considered legal.

18. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis?
(a) Down’s syndrome
(b) Jaundice
(c) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(d) Sex of the foetus
Answer: b) Jaundice
Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic procedure used to detect chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders in the developing fetus. Jaundice is a symptom of liver dysfunction and cannot be detected through amniocentesis.

19. Clitoris in human female is homologous to……….. In male.
(a) penis
(b) Cowper’s gland
(c) scrotum
(d) prostate gland
Answer: a) penis
The clitoris in the human female is homologous to the penis in the male. Both structures develop from the same embryonic tissue and have similar erectile tissue.

20. Hydra reproduces by which type of Reproduction_________
(a) fission
(b) budding
(c) fragmentation
(d) longitudinal binary fission
Answer: b) Budding
Hydra reproduces asexually by budding, where a new individual develops as an outgrowth from the parent organism.

21. In asexual reproduction__________
(a) Gametes are formed
(b) Gametes are fused
(c) mitotic cell division takes place
(d) meiotic cell division takes place
Answer: c) Mitotic cell division takes place
Asexual reproduction involves mitotic cell division, where offspring are produced from a single parent cell without the fusion of gametes.

22. Bacterium, Treponema pallidum causes__________
(a) gonorrhoea
(b) syphilis
(c) molluscum contagiosum
(d) herpes genitalis
Answer: b) Syphilis
Treponema pallidum is the bacterium responsible for causing syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection.

23. The testes are held in scrotum by_______
(a) gubernaculum
(b) spermatic chord
(c) inguinal duct
(d) connective tissúe chord
Answer: a) Gubernaculum
The testes are held in the scrotum by the gubernaculum, a ligamentous structure that aids in the descent of the testes during fetal development and holds them in place.

24. In man maturation of sperm takes place at temperature__________
(a) lower than that of body
(b) higher than that of body
(c) equal to that of body
(d) no condition of temperature
Answer: a) Lower than that of body
Spermatogenesis, the maturation of sperm, occurs at a temperature lower than that of the body, typically within the scrotum.

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