Gender School and Society MCQ
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Gender School and Society MCQ
1. Which of the following commissions has recommended “Purdah Schools” for girls?
a. The Indian Education Commission
b. The Calcutta University Commission
c. Kothari Commission
d. Radhakrishnan Commission.
Answer: B
2. What is the name of the first feminist novel?
a. Vindication of Rights of Women
b. The Second Sex
c. The Origin of Family
d. All of the above
Answer: A
3. Which article of the Constitution of India puts an end to untouchability?
a. Article 14
b. Article 17
c. Article 18
d. All of the above
Answer: B
4. What are the obstacles/challenges to promote equity?
a. power
b. politics
c. culture
d. all
Answer: D
5. The Brahmo Samaj movement was started by.
a. Swami Dayanand
b. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
c. Ramakrishna
d. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Answer: B
6. There is a Hindu reform movement in India which was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in Bombay in 1875.
a. Brahmo Samaj Movement
b. Arya Samaj
c. Chipko Movement
d. Widow Remarriage Movement
Answer: B
7. What is the following path to achieve equality?
a. Providing universal public services for fair treatment
b.Targeted action for disadvantaged groups
c. social security
d. All of the above
Answer: D
8. Which is not the scheme & program for women’s empowerment?
a. SSA
b. Ladli
c. NCR
d. Kasturba Gandhi
Answer: A
9. Which statement is not correct about gender
a. Gender is socially constructed
b. Gender is biological
c. Gender is the role of a man and a woman in society
d. None of these
Answer: B
10. Which of the following is not a problem Indian women are facing?
a. Sex discrimination
b. Dowry system
c. Domestic violence
d. Passport issued
Answer: D
11. Which one of the following is not correct?
a. Gender is based on social norms
b. Gender roles cannot be modified
c. Gender is not biological
d. Gender roles are acquired
Answer: B
12. Which one of the following is not a theory on gender and education? a. Socialization theory
b. Same principle
c. Structure theory
d. None of these
Answer: B
13. What is the sociological definition of sex?
a. A person considers himself to be a man or a woman.
b. Biological and physical characteristics of a person fall into two main categories, transgender and female.
c. Genital intercourse between any combination of gender relations.
d. The typical behavior, norms, and characteristics that society attributes to one gender or the other
Answer: B
14. A man or woman who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women is a _______?
a. feminists
b. Socialist
c. Communist
d. None of the above
Answer: A
15. A man or woman who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women is one.
a Feminist
b. Socialist
c. Communist
d. None of the above
Answer: A
16. A hierarchical system in which males dominate cultural, political, and economic structures
a. Elite model
b. Sexual division of labor
c. Patriarchy
d. Pluralistic model
Answer: C
17. The following perspective links the exploitation of women by capitalism with patriarchy in the home in its analysis of gender equality.
a. Socialist feminism
b. Democratic feminism
c.radical feminism
d. Liberal feminism
Answer: A
18. The concept of gender refers to the socially defined differences between men and women.
a. sexual socialization
b. Gender discrimination
c. gender polarization
d. All of the above
Answer: B
19. What is the relation between gender school and society?
a. Schools are a reflection of society, and the attitudes, values, and beliefs of society are often reflected in the educational system.
b. Gender is an important aspect of social identity that influences the way people think, behave, and interact with others.
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Answer: C
20. What are the major types of gender roles?
a. traditional,
b. transitional,
c. egalitarian.
d. All of these
Answer: D
21. What does gender refer to Mcq?
a. Gender refers to the socially constructed differences between men and women.
b. Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed.
c. Gender refers to the govt. constructed differences between men and women.
d. Both a and b
Answer: D
22. What is gender identity in gender school and society?
a. Gender identity refers to a personal identification with particular gender or gender role in a society.
b. Gender identity is defined as a self realisation of oneself as male or female or other on the basis of their personal experience.
c. It is personal sense of one’s own gender.
d. All of these
Answer: D
23. Which of the following is feature of the Structural Theory of Gender
a. Gender is a social construct
b. Gender is shaped by social institutions
c. Gender is reproduced through socialization
d. All of these
Answer: D
24. Who first used the word gender?
a. John Money
b. Darwin
c. Pasture
d. John Altman
Answer: A
Hopefully these Gender School and Society MCQ will help you.