GK Questions and Answers Free PDF download
In this article, we have given you GK questions and answers related to general knowledge, these gk questions and answers have been asked in the many examinations before and can be asked further.
It is very important to have general knowledge of information.

Here we have given 100 important general knowledge questions. These questions are asked every time in examinations.
These questions and answers can be very beneficial for you, so they should be carefully Read. If you find this question and answer useful, then do share it with others.
GK Questions and Answers
1. What is the branch of biology that studies plants?
a) Zoology
b) Botany
c) Mineralogy
d) cytology
Answer: Botany
2. How many hearts do octopuses have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: Octopuses have 3 hearts.
3. How many bones does a human being have in all?
a) 60
b) 206
c) 416
d) 352
Answer: 206
4. Which is the largest flying bird in the world?
a) Golden Eagle
b) Andean Condor
c) Falcon
d) none of the above
Answer: Andean condor.
5. Which is the only mammal that can fly?
a) Bat
b) Ostrich
c) Eagle
d) all
Answer: a) The bat.
6. Which one is the fastest animal in the world?
a) Condor
b) Leopard
c) Cheetah
d) fox
Answer: c) cheetah.
7. What is the name of the longest river in the world?
a) Nile River
b) Amazon River
c) Danube River
d) purna River
Answer: b) Amazon River.
8. What is the largest ocean in the world?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Atlantic Ocean
d) none of these
Answer: a) Pacific Ocean.
9. What is the largest country in the world?
a) China
b) Russia
c) India
d) Pakistan
Answer: b) Russia
10. What is the country that is shaped like a boot?
a) Spain
b) Honduras
c) Italy
d) America
Answer: c) Italy
11. What is the most populous country on earth?
a) united states
b) China
c) Russia
d) India
Answer: b) China
12. What is the city of skyscrapers?
a) Tokyo
b) New York
c) Hong Kong
d) nerve
Answer: b) New York
13. In what country is Casa Rosada located?
a) Argentina
b) Chile
c) Mexico
d) India
Answer: a) Argentina.
14. What is the capital of Nicaragua?
a) Santiago
b) Brasilia
c) Managua
d) America
Answer: Managua.
15. In what country is the city of Medellín located?
a) Colombia
b) Venezuela
c) Peru
d) India
Answer: Colombia.
16. On what continent is Suriname located?
a) Africa
b) South America
c) Oceania
d) India
Answer: b) South America.
17. What is the smallest nation in the world?
a) Andorra
b) Monaco
c) The Vatican
d) India
Answer: c) Vatican
18. What is the only city that is on two different continents?
a) Moscow
b) Istanbul
c) Berlin
d) Peru
Answer: b) Istanbul
19. What is the Italian city known as “the bride of the sea”?
a) Smell
b) Florence
c) Venice
d) all
Answer: c) Venice.
20. What is the tallest waterfall in the world?
a) The Angel Falls
b) Iguazu Falls
C) Niaraga Falls
d) none of these
Answer: a) The Angel Falls.
21. What is the capital of Pakistan?
a) Bagdag
b) Islamabad
c) Marrakech
d) none
Answer: b) Islamabad.
22. What is the second-highest mountain in the world?
a) K2
b) K1
c) K3
d) k4
Answer: a) K2.
23.. When did World War II end?
a) 1945
b) 1947
c) 1943
d) 1944
Answer: a) 1945.
24. In what year did Christopher Columbus arrive in America?
a) 1429
b) 1492
c) 1592
d) 1523
Answer: b) 1492.
25. Who is the father of psychoanalysis?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Carl Gustav Jung
c) Skinner
d) all
Answer: a) Sigmund Freud
26. Who was the general of the Nazis in World War II?
a) Benito Mussolini
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Heinrich Himmler
d) Albert
Answer: b) Adolf Hitler.
27. What is the holy book of Muslims?
a) The Bible
b) The Talmud
c) The Quran
d) The Geeta
Answer: c) The Quran.
28. In which country was the first atomic bomb used?
a) Russia
b) United States
c) Japan
d) India
Answer: c) Japan
29. What is the oldest surviving language in Europe?
a) Basque
b) English
c) French
d) french
Answer: a) Basque
30) What was the first man to go to the moon?
a) Louis Armstrong
b) Neil Armstrong
c) Michael Armstrong
d) Rakesh Sharma
Answer: b) Neil Armstrong
31. What is the name of the first woman who traveled to space?
a) Valentina Tereshkova
b) Alexandra Tereshkova
c) Amanda Tereshkova
d) all
Answer: a) Valentina Tereshkova
General Knowledge 2024 with Answers:
In General Knowledge 2024, we have given below questions and answers related to every field, such as Geography, History, and Current Affairs 2024 is a great collection of questions and answers. Try to make your future bright by quickly reading General Knowledge.
1. Which state of India produces the maximum rice?
Answer: North West Bengal
2. The national animal of India is?
Answer: Tiger
3. How many Puranas are there in total for Hindus?
Answer: 18
4. In which state the sun rises first in India?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
5. Insulin is used in the treatment of which disease?
Answer: Diabetes
6. Which state of India is known for tea production?
Answer: Assam
7. Where is the coldest place in India?
Answer: Leh
8. Which country has not become the slave of anyone to date?
Answer: Nepal
9. How many countries are there in the world?
Answer: 195
10. Which is the largest mosque in the world?
Answer: Almalivaya (Iraq)
11. In which country of the world there is no temple?
Answer: Saudi Arabia
12. Which is the largest ocean in the world?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
13. Which is the country with the most stringent laws in the world?
Answer: Saudi Arabia
14. Which is the biggest wall in the world?
Answer: Great Wall of China
15. Which President gets the highest salary in the world?
Answer: President of America
16. The planet closest to the Sun is-
Answer. Mercury
17. Who was the first woman cabinet minister of India?
Answer: Princess Amrit Kaur
18. To whom is the Chetak horse-related?
Answer: Maha Rana Pratap
19. The largest flower is?
Answer: Reflexia
20. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
Answer: Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
21. Which city is famous for the production of grapes?
Answer: Nashik
22. In which state is the Koyna Dam located?
Answer: Maharashtra
23. What is the gas that comes out of motor vehicles?
Answer: Carbon monoxide.
24. Purity of gold is defined in
Answer: Carat.
25. How many planets are there in the solar system?
Answer: 7
26. Which gas is used to fill the balloons?
Answer: Hydrogen.
27. Who among the following is called the creator of the universe in the Vedas?
Answer: Shankaracharya.
28. Who was the first person to reach the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong.
29. Where are the diamond mines in India
Answer: Panna Madhya Pradesh.
30. Where is the headquarters of the Indian Space Research Organization?
Answer: Bengaluru
31. Indian Air Force is organized into how many commands?
Answer: 5
32. Where did India win the first Olympic hockey gold medal?
Answer: Amsterdam
33. Which Indian woman first won the title of ‘Miss World’?
Answer: Rita Faria
34. What is the name of the border between India and Pakistan?
Answer: Radcliffe Line
35. What is the length of the cricket pitch?
Answer: 20.12 m
36. Who was the first Indian to become a judge in the International Court of Justice?
Answer: Nagendra Singh